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UIS academic offerings are strengthened with the new Doctorate in Social and Human Sciences.

Image UIS entrance
Image UIS entrance

The Ministerio de Educación Nacional, through Resolution 023723 of December 10, 2021, granted the qualified registration for the Doctorate in Social and Human Sciences for a term of seven years, news that further boosts the progress in the vertical growth of the academic offerings of the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS).

This program will be offered in-person, in Bucaramanga, and will have a curriculum consisting of 96 academic credits, eight semesters, and an annual admission period where 12 students will be admitted to the first period.

This doctorate was created by the Universidad Industrial de Santander, through Academic Council Agreement No. 162 of May 18, 2021, after which it proceeded with the request for the issuance of the qualified registration to the ministerial portfolio through the Higher Education Quality Assurance System (SACES).

“From the Rector’s Office we congratulate the members of the academic community of the Faculty of Human Sciences for the judicious and collective work they have been developing with the purpose of articulating the work and potential of the various academic and administrative units that comprise it, thanks to which they can now begin to offer the third doctoral program of the Faculty and the tenth first of the University. In this way, we move forward in the vertical growth of the academic offer and continue to move forward in the purpose of ratifying the commitment that we all have with high-quality, as we are getting ready to receive, in mid-February, the commission of peers appointed by the National Accreditation Council to conduct the external visit for the renewal of institutional accreditation”, said Hernán Porras Díaz, UIS rector.