With the visit to the Educational Institution El Paulón, the ‘Casa de Coco’ completed the delivery of didactic materials to the 33 rural and urban educational institutions that belong to the project, benefiting 5,000 students in Bucaramanga and its metropolitan area. The institutional initiative was created to support the academy through radio content, didactic materials, and free diploma courses focused on educational innovation.
The event was attended by Ana Cecilia Ojeada Avellaneda and Orlando Pardo Martínez, directors of the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS); the group ‘Colibris’ and Ana Leonor Rueda, Secretary of Education, representing the team of the Mayor’s Office of Bucaramanga.
In its second season, the ‘Casa de Coco’ aims to involve more students through the delivery of didactic tools, the development of sound content, and the implementation of a diploma course for teachers who are part of the group, for a permanent accompaniment in the classrooms.
The children of the first educational institution received the ‘Coco Bolsa’, an educational tool that contains different games, books, sound materials, and academic content to implement the educational process in the classroom.
The launch also included the radio broadcast of this innovative educational project, starring an alligator named Coco, which will reach the homes of Bumangues through UIS radio stations A.M. 670 KHz, UIS Estéreo 96.9 MHz, and La Cultural 100.7 FM.
Ana Cecilia Ojeda Avellaneda, dean of the Faculty of Human Sciences, stressed the importance of the delivery of material and the visit to institutions: “To lay the foundations so that, once the children and teachers have the material, we can begin the process of accompaniment and the actual implementation of the strategy in the schools, together with the children and teachers. In addition, we offer the Diploma in Pedagogical Innovation, a strategy for the accompaniment of teachers and thus be able to go hand in hand with them in the training process. One thing was the delivery of the material and now what is going to be done with that material; that is why we are working with the children and teachers”.